Monday, January 30, 2006

What I did in the Navy

Many people ask me what it was I did in the Navy. I was a Fire Controlman, or FC. I didn't put out fires, but I did start them. I was responsible for the operation and maintenance of the MK86 Gunfire Control System, or GFCS. The entire system consisted of:
Air Search RADAR
Surface Search RADAR
Weapon Control Consoles
A slew of computers and other devices

This system was used to control and fire the 5"/54cal gun mounts, we had two. Contrary to popular belief, these guns are fired from CIC, not from someone inside the gun mount. But they could be fired by the Gunner's Mate that was located below the turret, near the 20 round magazine.

It was a lot of fun, and an experience that I will never forget. I am often asked if I would do it again, and in all honesty I would have to say, "Yes." I met a lot of great people, some of whom I still communicate with. I got to see a few places that I will probably never get to see again, and it was just a great overall experience for me.