Friday, March 16, 2012

Doctors and Dentists... oh my!

This has been a busy month and a half for me. I've been in the process of seeing my doctor and dentist, and trying to get it all done a over with. What I thought was going to be a good thing turned out to be a very good thing. My doctor discovered that I was diabetic. Nothing too serious now, and with early detection, shouldn't become a serious matter to worry about in the future. I also had my vasectomy, so no more babies from me. Besides, 4 is plenty for anyone... and it means that each one now only has to deal with 25% of my affairs after I am gone.

I've also been to a cardiac specialist due to my father's side of the family having a history with poor tickers. As for the dentist, fare warning, don't neglect your teeth. Still no cavities, and I still have all my wisdom teeth, but my daily brushing and weekly flossing were not enough. I haven't been to a dentist in about 10yrs, and paid for it by having to have some deep cleaning and scaling. At least there were no new surprises, but you might not be that lucky.