Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Sarcasm at its Finest!

There's nothing more I love about online forums, except for online technical forums. And there's nothing more I love about online technical forums than sarcastic replies to ambiguous posts from people that are too clueless to help themselves. The way I figure it, if someone can't form an informative and well structured post asking for help, they deserve whatever the intertubes throw at them.

One of my (recently) favorite sarcastic responses is:
Bob*, you need to navigate to the Universe>Geometry>Points menu, and click the button next to "singularity". This will bring up a dialog box asking if you want traditional or unclosed space singularities, select traditional. Then click on Geometry>Lines and select "Non-Euclidean". Hit save, then reboot the computer twice. On the 2nd reboot, the singularity should become active and you will notice the air in the room becoming a bit thin, that's normal, just sit tight and wait for the big bang. That should take care of the problem, if it doesn't, call service and ask for Stephen Hawking.
It doesn't even matter if you don't know what the original question was. To help you out though, this was a user asking about an imported IGES file in AutoCAD. Here is their original question, presented in all of its misspelled glory.
I have lines attached to point improted from IGES how can I turn them off (I think there vector lines)
*The name has been changed to protect the innocent.