Friday, March 23, 2012

Lurking Ninja Baby Boy!

My fiancee and I are expecting a baby boy come August. It will be our 7th child between us if you count the previous kids we've had from prior marriages. I was a little hesitant to spread the word due to our ages. I didn't want to go around telling everyone we were having a baby, to only have something go wrong during the pregnancy. So she humored me and we kept the news mostly to ourselves. We started calling it a Ninja Baby due to the stealth surrounding the pregnancy. I can't remember who the first person is it that we told, and I can't even recall the details of exactly how it happened as well. My memory is very shady.
What's really interesting is we will both be 43 when the baby is born. We've been hearing the whole time about "high risk" this and that. We were told about this blood test, and those amniocentesis tests. We started to believe the hype to a degree. So we decided to wait to officially announce the baby till our 20-week ultrasound. We were told that at 20-weeks of pregnancy the ultrasound would be a clear indicator of the health of the baby, and we'd get to know it's sex. Since I already had two boys and a girl from my previous marriages, and my fiancee had two girls and boy from hers, we really didn't have a preference as to what we were having. We just wanted it to be as healthy as possible.

So we are now well into the tail-end of our 20th week. I've officially posted the above image on Facebook, so everyone in Creation knows now. I can really feel the Ninja Baby squirming around in the womb when I place my hand on her belly. She still has a few pounds to grow, but she is a healthy Mommy. I'll try to keep posting regularly, though I have no idea who reads this...