Wednesday, March 05, 2008

My Father

I just learned that my father has been in the surgical intensive since Friday evening. Its a shame that I live in California and he lives in Florida, it would have been nice to find this out sooner than half-way through the week. Many thanks to my father's friend, Skip Bolinger, as he was able to track my number down through my father's cell phone.

I have been expecting my dad to pass for sometime now. He's 75 and never took great care of himself. My mother passed away in April 1995, and had read that most spouses tended to pass within 5yrs of the other passing. So I consider my father having lived a full life, and has managed to beat my expectations. Of course now that he is even closer to death, I am greatly saddened.

My dad has always been there for me. He instilled some great values in me, either through direct teachings or setting indirect examples. I am at a loss of words for now, I will just say that I may have to fly to Florida on a red-eye flight. he has requested me to be there, and I shall go.

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