Tuesday, September 06, 2005


My son and I had a good visit in Florida, even though the circumstances weren't the best. The relatives were great, and they even entertained my son with a trip to the local mall and fishing. I had a chance to meet up with a couple good friends and catch up as well. To all who think that a Father-Son cross-country road trip is a good idea, you are right. I recommend at least one. To those that think that a Father-Son cross-country road trip after a major disaster is an adventure, you are also right... though I don't recommend that!

We managed to get a 6-gallon gas canister from my Dad, and have that filled with gas which should provide us a small safety cushion should we encounter any gas shortages. Gas prices are a bit higher than the $2.80 average I was thinking, but that was before Katrina. I'm just glad that I don't think we'll hit any $5 gas. It seems all the Governors have put a stop to the price gouging.

We find ourselves in Ashburn, GA tonight, right off the I-75. For some reason I was just beat, and couldn't drive any more. I suppose it was the stress of worrying about gas and other things catching up with me. The hotel (Best Western) has internet access, so I am able to log-on and write a bit.

We had dinner at Shoney's next door. For those that have never dined at one, they are a South-Eastern staple, along the same lines as Denny's or Friendly's. Though I doubt you can purchase fried pickles or fired green tomatoes at the latter, you may be able to find fried ocra. My son was not feeling adventurous enough to try any of those dishes, but did sample a small bite of collard greens, which he said wasn't as bad as he had imagined.

With exhaustion setting in, I had better call it a night and try to get a good 8hrs of sleep. I like to hit the road around 4:30-5:00am when I am driving so I can get a solid 12-14hrs of driving in. I'll try to keep everyone up-dated as much as I can as we try to make our way back to Los Angeles.

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